Thursday, May 12, 2011

Apolitical? Maybe

Apolitical-perhaps a new party

Anymore, it’s very difficult to discern what ‘party’ to vote for- or whether to vote at all. I get emails from people I know, angry people, who appear to believe that Obama is the reason for every problem we now face; and believe me, I don’t think he’s done a great job, but I also think that no matter who is in office at they can’t fix what it took decades to create; it wasn’t just Bush, or Clinton, Reagan, or Obama; it goes far beyond anyone who happens to be president. My humble opinion- the entire political arena has become so corrupt and influenced by the bottom line; $$$$, greed, and lobbyists. My sister recently had to be hospitalized for an emergency gall bladder thing; she makes minimum wage and cannot afford the health insurance her employer offers. The last time she applied for state medical coverage she was denied because she made $6.00 over the amount allowed. Consequently, a few weeks after being released from the hospital, she got a bill for $32,000; while in the hospital, they automatically submitted a new application for state coverage, but the decision, as I write this, is pending. In the event they deny her, this, potentially could render her homeless, and more so, render my 83 year old mother who she takes care of, alone. It’s all too big for me to allow myself to get too worked up about; I’d surely drive myself more crazy than I am; but in my nearly 60 years on this earth, I don’t remember ever being this afraid, uncertain, and with visions of eventual poverty, homelessness or worse as I approach retirement age. Yes, I’m one of those baby boomers they talk about, stuck in the worst of this ‘economic downturn’. Own a house that probably couldn’t sell for what is still owed on it; terrified of retiring (even if I had enough of a cushion to do so) for fear of losing my health coverage, having just gone through cancer treatment…live and work in a state that is so broke that myself and my colleagues face layoffs every six months. Tea Party, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Independent – I don’t think it fucking matters; we all seem to be on a sinking ship, so the best I can do is become apolitical and play bingo.

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